sur Rektron Group Inc.

Rektron Group Inc. Appoints Swapnil Mokashi as New Director and Chairman

Rektron Group Inc., a global commodities trading firm headquartered in Vancouver, BC, has announced the appointment of Swapnil Mokashi as a director and Chairman of its board, effective November 28, 2024. Mokashi, a seasoned professional with a history in finance and management, brings a wealth of experience from positions held in Singapore and Hong Kong.

Previously, Mokashi has been noted for his leadership at Commodities Trading Group, developing business strategies and managing operations. The appointment follows the resignations of Rektron's CEO, Ricardo Phielix, and CFO, Manny Bettencourt.

The company continues to search for suitable replacements for these key roles and will provide updates on significant developments.

R. P.

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