sur 8PG

8PG Announces Upcoming 'DABBECUE' Event for its Members

8PG, a leader in cannabis event planning, recently announced its next major event titled 'DABBECUE' set for May 26, 2024. Following the immense success of 'The Sesh', which was held on April 20, DABBECUE aims to continue the tradition of combining luxury and community in unique settings. The event will be hosted at The Beehive in Los Angeles, promising an exclusive mix of high-quality barbecue, fashion, music, and top-tier cannabis brands for its members.

'DABBECUE' is anticipated to offer an enhanced experience with gourmet food and premium cannabis in an intimate setting, building on the standards set by its predecessor. 8PG focuses on creating events that not only entertain but also deepen community ties and respect for cannabis culture.

R. P.

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