sur A2Z Smart Technologies Corp. (NASDAQ:AZ)

A2Z Smart Technologies Notified of Nasdaq Compliance Failings

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action A2Z Smart Technologies Corp. (EBR:AZ).

A2Z Smart Technologies Corp., a NASDAQ-listed company specializing in innovative technology solutions, has received notices from Nasdaq regarding non-compliance with two specific financial regulations. As of April 24, 2024, A2Z was informed that it did not meet the Nasdaq minimum bid price of $1.00 per share and the minimum market value of listed securities (MVLS) required at $35 million. These requirements are pivotal for the continued listing of A2Z's securities on Nasdaq.

The company has been granted a 180-day period, ending on October 21, 2024, to address these deficiencies. If A2Z's stock price reaches or exceeds $1.00 for at least ten consecutive business days at any time during this period, the Nasdaq will consider the bid price requirement resolved. Similarly, if A2Z's MVLS reaches $35 million for a minimum of ten consecutive business days before the compliance period ends, the MVLS issue will also be deemed resolved. Failure to meet these conditions may result in delisting, although A2Z may request an additional 180-day grace period under certain conditions.

The notices have not affected A2Z’s current listing status, and the company's shares continue to trade on Nasdaq. A2Z management is actively exploring options to regain compliance and secure its position on the Nasdaq market. The company's operations remain unaffected by the notices received.

R. P.

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