sur CO2 Gro Inc. (NASDAQ:BLONF)

CO2 GRO Inc. Announces Delay in Annual Filings and Anticipates Regulatory Actions

CO2 GRO Inc., a Canadian company listed on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol GROW, has reported a delay in the submission of its audited annual financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2023. These documents were due by April 29, 2024, and include the associated management discussions, CEO and CFO certifications.

Due to this delay, the Company is expected to face a cease trade order (CTO) from the Ontario Securities Commission, the primary regulator. This CTO will prevent any trading of CO2's securities and will remain effective until the company has fulfilled all necessary filing obligations. The delay also leads to an automatic suspension of trading on the TSX Venture Exchange.

In response to these challenges, CO2 GRO Inc. has formed a committee of three independent board members to oversee strategic discussions, potentially exploring partnerships or asset sales. The company pledges to keep stakeholders updated in compliance with securities law.

R. P.

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