sur DEUTSCHE BANK (isin : DE0005140008)

Deutsche Bank Faces Legal Provision After Court Hearing on Postbank Takeover

On April 26, 2024, during a court hearing, the Higher Regional Court of Cologne considered the claims of former Postbank shareholders seeking a higher offer price from Deutsche Bank’s 2010 takeover. The court hinted at potential validity in the claims, which could lead to a legal provision by Deutsche Bank in the second quarter of 2024.

Deutsche Bank contests the court's preliminary assessment but acknowledges that it could impact their financials, estimating potential claims and interests around 1.3 billion euros. This provision is projected to affect their second quarter and yearly financial results, including an approximate decrease of 20 basis points in CET1 ratio to 13.25%, and a leverage ratio of 4.42%.

Despite these developments, Deutsche Bank’s management is continuing to analyze the situation and does not foresee a significant impact on the bank’s strategic direction or financial goals.

R. P.

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