sur Planet Technology USA

Planet Technology USA Introduces New 8-Port IP Power Manager

Planet Technology USA, a division of Versa Technology, has launched the IPM-8221, an 8-port IP Power Management (IPM) device. This new product is designed to enhance power distribution efficiency and align with Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles. The IPM-8221 integrates with PLANET's Universal Network Management System (UNI-NMS) and smart discovery utility, facilitating remote monitoring of network devices.

The IPM-8221 offers features such as real-time current monitoring, power on/off scheduling, enhanced overload protection, environmental monitoring, and streamlined connectivity with cascade ports. These functions aim to improve operational efficiency, reduce environmental impact, and extend equipment life. Additionally, the device includes sensors that help network administrators monitor ambient conditions, optimizing network performance and protecting equipment.

R. E.

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